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In-flow quality and Out-flow purity report for your customers

Effortlessly achieve accurate waste quality estimation. Ensure you never overpay or get underpaid for your meticulous efforts.

Augmented productivity

By predicting operational issues like material blocking or performance loss, WasteFlow reduces your downtime 

Make your facility a safer place

By identifying hazardous or unsuitable objects, WasteFlow enhances the safety of your production environment, protecting both your team and your equipment.

How does it work

Your WasteFlow AI Model trained

Our state of the art computer vision system learns to recognize objects like super-humans

Mass estimation

Using depth sensor we recognize the volume and mass of every single objects allowing to precisely understand the waste flow at strategic points of the process

You and your team can visualize your results

Effortlessly monitor and analyze your waste management performance and oversee facility operations with your fully customizable dashboard.

Make informed decision

Drive impactful decisions with real-time data and insights: adjust machine settings, optimize layout, schedule maintenance, and maximize efficiency at your facility


An AI powered vision algorithm

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Our Mission

Increase recycling rate of our waste

By equiping facilities with the essential tools needed to enhance the purity of sorted materials, elevate the performance of existing sorting systems, and increase the overall energy efficiency of recycling operations.

Our Story

WasteFlow originated from a passionate group of young EPFL alumni committed to making a significant impact on our environment. Over the years, through various projects, we recognized recycling as a critical issue with tremendous potential for change, given the substantial size of the market. Motivated by our environmental impact, we are dedicated to transforming the recycling industry by addressing its most pressing challenges.

The team

With extensive experience in waste analysis, innovation management, robotics, and AI, we are committed to developing technological solutions that transform waste into value


Get in Touch

WasteFlow SA

EPFL Innovation Park

Bâtiment C

1015 Lausanne

+41 021 693 85 65

  • LinkedIn

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